Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kayatou Update and an End to Storytelling

The family adopting Kayatou finally made contact, yesterday, with an international adoption lawyer in DC that they think will be able to help them. The deadline for their appeal is this Friday, the 23rd, so the first item of business is to get the appeal deadline extended and then we'll work on getting more paperwork that will hopefully make US Immigratio happy and bring Kayatou to her new home. Here's a picture of Kayatou at her home yesterday. She continues to do well and to spend two days a week at our house in preparation for her eventual move into an American family. (Please Lord!)

Another newsworthy item is that Damon finished the storytelling series with the car wash guys, who are now the laundry mat guys. Today they studied the Day of Pentecost and talked about the need to be born again and how that only happens through Jesus. They had to end there because it was getting too dark to be sitting outside plus Harmattan is here (75 degrees with 40% humidity) and the Ivoirians are freezing so they called it a night and will be talking more again at their session Saturday afternoon. Damon feels like Salifou, SanSan and Monsieur Diarra are very interested in getting to know Jesus personally, so pray for them as they mull over this very important decision in their lives.